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Dictionary Albanian English: out

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

NOUN   out | outs
VERB  to out | outed | outed ... 
jashtë {adv}out
2 Words: Others
Dil jashtë!Get out!
Ki mendjen!Look out!
i/e nderë {adj}stretched out
Kujdes, ruaju!Watch out!
i/e vjetëruar {adj}worn out
2 Words: Verbs
llomotisto blurt out
degëzohetto branch out
hedhto cast out
dalto come out
këlthas (diçka)to cry out (sth.)
fikemto die out
ha jashtëto dine out
kuptojto figure out
shtypto flatten out
tmerrohemto freak out
dalto get out
dalto go out
dëgjoj gjer fundto hear out
gërryejto hollow out
jashtëto leave out
hap [fig.]to look out
dukjeto point out
pahto point out
nxjerrto pull out [extract]
shkulto root out
mbarojto run out
gërryejto scoop out
nisemto set out
vihem lëvizjeto set out [i.e. on a journey]
heq mënjanëto single out
deklarojto speak out
lexoj diçka germë për germëto spell sth. out
nisemto start out
dhjetojto thin out
drobisto wear out
vjetrojto wear out
gajasto wear out [exhaust]
shfarosto wipe out
2 Words: Nouns
shfarosje {f}wiping out
3 Words: Others
dolaI went out
pa frymëout of breath
jashtë rrezikutout of danger
i/e demoduar {adj}out of fashion [postpos.]
miqësiout of friendship
nga injorancaout of ignorance
jashtë përdorimitout of order
i dalë mode {adj}out-of-date
jashtë {adv}out-of-doors
3 Words: Verbs
drobitemto be worn out
ia marr me lakja e kandisje diçka dikujtto coax sth. out of sb.
shtrihemto stretch oneself out
4 Words: Others
dita-ditës {adv}day in day out
Atij iu sos durimi.His patience gave out.
i/e çmendur {adj}out of one's mind [postpos.]
krejt papritur {adv}out of the blue
gjithë javënweek in week out
vit për vit {adv}year in year out
4 Words: Verbs
muzikë stonojto be out of tune
ënjtem qarito cry one's eyes out
mbush një formularto fill out a form
shënoj gjurmën e një rrugeto map out a route
ndal zjarrinto put out the fire
nxjerr gjuhënto stick out one's tongue
abonojto take out a subscription
5+ Words: Others
Larg syve, larg zemrës.Out of sight, out of mind.
5+ Words: Verbs
frikësohem tepërmito be frightened out of one's wits
s'merrem vesh me dikëto be out of keeping with sb.
dal sheshto come out into the open
dal nga banjato come out of the bathroom
dal nga një situatë e vështirëto get out of a predicament
ia thyej hundët dikujtto knock / beat the stuffing out of sb.
nxjerr shpatën nga millito pull the sword out of the sheath
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