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BETA Albanian-English translation for: one's
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Dictionary Albanian English: one's

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PRON  one | one | one's ... 
me pahir {adv}against one's will
sipas meritaveon one's merits
3 Words: Verbs
fryj hundëtto blow one's nose
prish agjëriminto break one's fast
errto breathe one's last
jap frymën e funditto breathe one's last
kthej mendjeto change one's mind
ndërroj mendjeto change one's mind
duartrokasto clap one's hands
mbyll sytëto close one's eyes
krihemto comb one's hair
arsim mbaroj studimetto conclude one's studies
rrëfehemto confess one's sins
dorën zemërto cross one's heart
mbroj nderinto defend one's honor [Am.]
mbroj nderinto defend one's honour [Br.]
bëj ç'është e mundurto do one's utmost
hedh maskënto drop one's mask
fshij lotëtto dry one's tears
fitoj bukën e gojësto earn one's living
mbush plëndësinto eat one's fill
ha fjalënto eat one's words
miratojto express one's approval
ngroh xhepinto feather one's nest
rrok fletëtto flap one's wings
kërcas dhëmbëtto grate one's teeth
kalit trupinto harden one's body
mbaj distancëto keep one's distance
mbaj fjalënto keep one's word
lëpij buzëtto lick one's chops
çorientohemto lose one's bearings
humbas babainto lose one's father
humbas mendjento lose one's head
ikën mendjato lose one's mind
humbas duriminto lose one's patience
humbas dritën e syritto lose one's sight
humbas duriminto lose one's temper
zhvirgjërohemto lose one's virginity
humbas rrugënto lose one's way
luaj mendshto lose one's wits
drejtohemto make one's way
meremetoj këpucëtto mend one's shoes
korrigjohemto mend one's ways
lëviz krahëtto move one's arms
hap zemrënto open one's heart
lyhemto paint one's face
lustroj këpucëtto polish one's shoes
pudrosemto powder one's face
vras mendjento rack one's brain
arrij kulminto reach one's zenith
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